Remote Access & Execution
The terminal server in uCon allows up to 8 remote users to virtually connect to the target that the uCon session is connected to.
In addition to the basic terminal server facility, the remote user connected to uCon through a telnet client has the ability to instruct the uCon server in a few different ways. By typing ENTER followed by CTRL-P (control key and lower-case 'p' depressed simultaneously), the user is then put into a "remote command/function mode". At that point, uCon's telnet server will respond to the client with a prompt to inform the user that the following line will be locally executed as a command passed to the PC's OS or a function processed internally by uCon. There are a few different alternatives after typing the ENTER/CTRL-P sequence...
<·><·>If the remote user simply types a question mark followed by ENTER, then the uCon server will respond with the build date of the uCon executable running as the server.
<·><·>If the remote user types the string "uCon", then the server will look to the next argument as the name of some internal function to be run by the server. The current set of internal commands support XMODEM, remote invocation of buttons and function keys, TFTP, DTR toggle, and RS-232 BREAK state on the COM port...
uCon break# send RS-232 break
uCon button <}># execute button '#'
uCon dtrtgl # toggle RS-232 DTR line
uCon fkey <}># execute function key '#'
uCon scrcmd line<}># execute a single script command line
uCon script <}># execute script
uCon tftp <}> <}> <}> <}># request TFTP transfer
uCon xsend <}> <}># request xmodem send
uCon xrecv <}> <}># request xmodem receive
<·><·>If any other string is typed after the CTRL-P, then it is taken to be a command line that is to be passed to the OS that the uCon server is running on. For example, CTRL-P followed by "dir /w C:" would return a directory listing of the C drive on that machine.
Note that this remote execution capability must be enabled in the server by checking the "Local Command Enable" checkbox in the telnet server configuration dialog.