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Script Cmd: CLS

CLS [-t] [command]

Perform some operation on the console text and background.

The original intent of this command was simply to clear the console or trace screen.  
It has since been overloaded with sub commands to modify the console font and background color and more recently to adjust the color of text and background of only new incoming text streams from the backend connection.


-t Clear the trace window instead of the console window.

Optional commands:

rgbsave             Save the current RGB values for text and console background.
fontrgb=rr,gg,bb    Set a new RGB value for the console-wide font.
scrnrgb=rr,gg,bb    Set a new RGB value for the console background (screen).
rgbrestore          Restore to the RGB values previously saved by 'rgbsave'.

text={reset | invert | black | red | green | yellow | blue | magenta | cyan | white}
{off            | black | red | green | yellow | blue | magenta | cyan | white}



Use CLS to save the current font/background settings, then change them, then restore them...

CLS rgbsave
CLS scrnrgb=200,1,1 fontrgb=240,240,240
SLEEP 1000
CLS scrnrgb=1,200,1 fontrgb=240,240,240
SLEEP 1000
CLS scrnrgb=1,1,200 fontrgb=240,240,240
SLEEP 1000
CLS rgbrestore