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Script Cmd: CONFIG
CONFIG [-v] {sub-command} [args] ...
This command provides script-based means of making changes to the Config->Miscellaneous dialog; plus some other misc stuff.
-v enable some verbosity
Current sub-commands supported:achin
Syntax: CONFIG achin
{all | nonprintables | notcrlf | space} {true | false}
Enable/disable the various modes for ASCII-coded hex conversion of incoming characters
Syntax: CONFIG color {text | alttext | bkgnd | bkgnd_save | bkgnd_restore} [{R-val} {G-val} {B-val}]
the color (RGB) of text, alternate text or background. The color
is specified as a 3-number RGB value where each value ranges between 0
and 255.
The 'bkgnd_save' and 'bkgnd_restore' commands do not take arguments. The bkgnd_restore will restore whatever the background color was at the time of bkgnd_save.
For example: CONFIG color text 200 30 30
Syntax: CONFIG dbc {value}
Where 'value' is the new delay-between-chars value (in milliseconds*).
The old value is stored in the CONFIG shell variable.
Syntax: CONFIG inactivity {MINUTES:SECONDS | MINUTES} [NOSCRIPT | scriptname]
Set up a script that will be invoked in place of the inactivity timeout.
Note: Use menu item
Config->Environment->Display to see the state (if enabled) of the inactivity timeout.
Syntax: CONFIG keepalive {MINUTES:SECONDS | MINUTES} {scriptname}
Set up a script that will run periodically.
Note1: Use menu item
Config->Environment->Display to see the state (if enabled) of the keepalive timeout.
Note2: The keepalive script execution will be suspended when comport is disconnected.
Syntax: CONFIG nicinfo
Displays IP address for each network interace on the host system.
Syntax: CONFIG timestamp {enable | disable}
Enable (or disable) timestamping. If 'enable', then use whatever format has been pre-established..
Syntax: CONFIG trace {on | off}
on: Turn on script tracing and enable the trace window.
off: Turn off tracing and disable the trace window.
Syntax: CONFIG restore
If uCon window is minimized, this restores to normal state..
Syntax: CONFIG minimize
Minimizes the uCon window.
Syntax: CONFIG bringtofront
Bring the uCon window to the front.
*Accuracy is limited to Windows tick